phpPeanuts  2.2.0
phpPeanuts framework
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pnt Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Generic error exception class Depricated support: Objects of this class may be answered by framework methods whose name starts with an underscore to signal and describe an error. PntErrors may be nested to describe errors that are caused by other errors. Warning: constructor and fields are not included in depricated support.

See Also

Similar to ErrorException,

See Also

Objects of this class log and handle errors using php's set_error_handler function

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass StringConverter in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also

Utility class

Abstract superclass for identiefied options.

See Also

For indexing multiple values under a single key

General Peanut superclass.

See Also

An object that checks values against its constraint settings and returns error messages.

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ValueValidator in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also

This file serves as a template for creating new subclasses of PntObject.

Instance of this class desrcibes a database connection.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass DatabaseConnection in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /db

ClassDescriptor for persistent peanuts. Retrieves peanuts from the database. Generates PntSqlFilters for searching. ClassDescriptor:

See Also Persistency: Override or reimplement this class to adapt persistency or create your own, /db

PntError specificly thrown by code that retrieves peanuts /db

Abstract superclass of persistent peanuts.

See Also /db

, use PntMysqlQueryHandler /db

(correct this) /db

Objects of this class are used for generating and executing database queries. This class is the superclass for common functionality that applies to most of the databases Currently only subclasses for mySQL and SqlLight are available, but it is easy to add subclasses for the databases you need, als long as these databases support explicit LEFT JOIN syntax (Oracle does not).

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass QueryHandler in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /db/dao

Objects of this class are used for generating and executing database queries. This class is the database abstraction layer for mySQL.

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass QueryHandler in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /db/dao

Objects of this class are used for generating and executing database queries. This class implements access through the Php Data Object (PDO) interface. Instances of this class use the default cursor type, which is forward-only

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass QueryHandler in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /db/dao

Objects of this class describe a comparision. Used by FilterFormPart in the advanced search. part for navigational query specification, part of PntSqlFilter

See Also

Current version is MySQL specific. In future, all SQL generating methods should delegate to PntQueryHandler to support other databases

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass Comparator in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /db/query

Specifies the combination of mutliple PntSqlFilters by AND or OR. Used by FilterFormPart in the simple search. part for navigational query specification, part of a PntSqlSpec

See Also

PntSqlFilters produce what comes after the WHERE clause to retrieve some objects as well as a JOIN clause to access related tables. Objects of this class combine the JOIN clauses from multiple PntSqlFilters from $this->parts and combine their WHERE expressions using their combinator field (by defauilt 'AND').

See Also

Current version is MySQL specific. In future, all SQL generating methods should delegate to PntQueryHandler to support other databases /db/query

Used by FilterFormPart in the advanced search. part for navigational query specification, part of PntSqlFilter

See Also for navigation instances of a subclass also produce JOIN clauses to access related tables. Objects of this class produce an empty JOIN clause. Also used by other types of SqlFilter to produce more complicated WHERE expressions, JOIN and ORDER BY clauses

Current version is MySQL specific. In future, all SQL generating methods should delegate to PntQueryHandler to support other databases /db/query

Specifies a navigation over a relationship, generates SQL. Used by FilterFormPart in the advanced search. part for navigational query specification, part of a PntSqlSpec

See Also

PntSqlFilters produce what comes after the WHERE clause to retrieve some objects as well as a JOIN clause to access related tables. Objects of this class produce JOIN clauses. $this->next must be set to a PntSqlFilter that will provide the WHERE expression for searching the related table, or to another PntSqlJoinFilter for another join.

Current version is MySQL specific. In future, all SQL generating methods should delegate to PntQueryHandler to support other databases Current implementation will AND the own where expression only if a sqlTemplate has been set. /db/query

Specifies the combination of mutliple PntSqlFilters by OR. Used by FilterFormPart in the simple search. part for navigational query specification, part of a PntSqlSpec

See Also

PntSqlFilters produce what comes after the WHERE clause to retrieve some objects as well as a JOIN clause to access related tables. Objects of this class combine the JOIN clauses from multiple PntSqlFilters from $this->parts and combine their WHERE expressions using their combinator field

Current version is MySQL specific. In future, all SQL generating methods should delegate to PntQueryHandler to support other databases /db/query

PntSqlSort specifies (and produces) what comes after the ORDER BY keywords Used by FilterFormPart and PntDbClassDescriptor. part for navigational query specification, part of a PntSqlSpec

See Also /db/query

Abstract superclass for parts for navigational query specification.

See Also* /db/query

This class allows to be extended to support simple graphics calculations like vector addition, multiplication A Point is a value object, i.e. it should not be modified. Instead, a new point will be created by calculating functions. /graphics

Class of objects describing a class of peanuts. closest thing to a metaclass.

See Also /meta

An object of this class describes a derived property of a peanut and supplies default property behavior.

See Also /meta

Abstract superclass of meta objects. /meta

Superclass for evaluation objects. Specifies and performs a call of a regular funcions (not a method). The advantage of evaluation objects is that they can be handed around, manipulated and be part of a data structure, to be executed on demand /meta

An object of this class describes a field property of a peanut and supplies default property behavior.

See Also /meta

An object of this class represents method call. it can make the call too. /meta

An object of this class describes a multi value property of a peanut and supplies default property behavior.

See Also /meta

An object of this class represents a navigational step starting from an object or an associative array. PntNavigations can be nested to create a navigational path. In many places in the user interface nopt only properties can be specified, but also paths. This makes the user interface more flexible. PntNavigations can execute the navigation, answering the value of the last property or associative key of the path. /meta

An object of this class represents a navigational step starting from a logical instance of PntObject. PntNavigations can be nested to create a navigational path. In many places in the user interface nopt only properties can be specified, but also paths. This makes the user interface more flexible. PntNavigations can execute the navigation, answering the value of the last property of the path. PntObjectNavigation also supports reasoning about navigations on a meta level, like getting the type of the results of navigating the entire path /meta

An object of this class describes a property of a peanut and supplies default property behavior.

See Also /meta

PntError specificly returned by meta level code that retrieves peanuts /meta

Authenticator that does not do authentication. Allows everybody is allowed to use the application without login. All users have all credentials.

This class also defines the interface for PntAuthenticator /secu

PntError specificly thrown by code that retrieves peanuts /secu

Objects of this class are designed to give detailed control over what a user van see and do. Currently the default user interface does check on invocation of Pages, Dialogs and Actions, hides multi value property buttons and tables, but does not hide or make readOnly widgets, fields and columns and does not ghost Create, Update and Delete buttons.

Check methods should return an appropriate error message to be displayed in the access denied error page

This abstract superclass provides default behavior for the concrete subclass SecurityManager in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. By default its more detailed checks delegate to broader checks, eventually ending in checking access on domainDir level, there allowing all. you may override methods in the concrete subclass, don't modify them here.

See Also

Abstract Action superclass.

See Also /web/actions

Action that deletes one object. Requires id and pntType request parameters. Used by form from EditDetailsPage when Delete button is pressed. Redirects to pntContext or if none, to ObjectIndexPage

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass DeleteAction in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/actions

Action that deletes multiple objects. Used by form from ObjectIndexPage, ObjectSearchPage and ObjectPropertyPage when Delete button is pressed and items are marked. Redirects to pntContext or if none, to ObjectIndexPage

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass DeleteAction in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/actions

Action that saves an object to the database. Used by form from ObjectEditDetailsPage when Insert or Update button is pressed. Calls save method on the object.

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass DeleteAction in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/actions

Http request validator. Logs validation warnings for bad input. Returns only valid input. Unlike ValueValidator, who expects the characters to be encoded in ValueValidator::getInternalCharset, this validator expects characters to be encoded as in the http request. StringConverter may convert from the request encoding to the internal encoding (but by default it does no conversion of character encoding) In this default implementation:

like UTF-8, as this implementarion will NOT adapt automatically to a change in StringConverter::getLabelCharset May be overridden to do (more) sanitization.

Unlike the OWASP ESAPI SafeRequest class this class does not do canonalization and does not explcitly use mbstrings functions. Its behavior with multi byte strings has not been tested and may be different depending on ini settings for mbstring.func_overload and mbstring.encoding_translation

This class does not delegate to ValueValidator because ValueValidator must work with the character set it defines in ::getInternalCharset and return user error messages, while most of the validations here are specific to ASCII and the error messages are for logging to be evaluated later by the application administrator. /web

Abstract superclass of all http request handlers. /web

Objects of this class are the single entrypoint for handling http requests. Site connects to the database as specified in scriptMakeSettings.php and sets the ErrorHandler, the debugMode, specifies application folder and domain folder, supplies StringConverters, baseUrl and takes care of sessions.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass StringConverter in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web

Object of this class convert strings to values and back according to their format settings. All user interface String conversions are and should be delegated to StringConverters to make override possible.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass StringConverter in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web

Abstract Dialog superclass.

See Also /web/dialogs

Dialog with FilterFormPart for searching and selecting an object. Paging buttons are created by a PntPagerButtonsListBuilder, whose classfolder is pnt/web/helpers.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectDialog in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/dialogs

Dialog to edit details of a single peanut.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectDialog in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/dialogs

Dialog for editing the value of an MtoNDialogWidget

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectMtoNDialog in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/dialogs


Dialog for verifying a recursive delete op one or more objects.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectDialog in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/dialogs

PntFormMtoNRelValue is used to process a form value into a property value for a role in an MtoNRelationship. The form will hold the ids of the related peanuts. If no form value the navigation is used to retrieve the property value from the supplied item. The representation in HTML is the id(s) of these peanuts.

FormNavValue does not merge its content with its markUp. If you need to merge, use a NavValue or NavText.

Currently it is not clear how to handle paths longer then 1. So for now, it works only with single step paths. As a consequence some funcion will later be delegated to the Navigation and the interface may change /web/dom

FormNavValue is used to store a form value in the dom. The form value is stored as label text. If no form value the navigation is used to retrieve content from the supplied item.

FormNavValue does not merge its content with its markUp. If you need to merge, use a NavValue or NavText.


/web/dom Component of a Document Object Model (not w3c compatible) that has a start tag, content and end tag and is represented in object form. The start tag may have attributes, which are represented in an associatice array. ::getMarkupWith produces the complete representation of all these in a string.

/web/dom Component of a Document Object Model (not w3c compatible) ::getMarkupWith merges a template with the result of a navigation that has been converted to HTML.

Used by PntTablePart to specify columns and retrieve their values, and by DetailsParts for representing and (help) producing the details.

/web/dom intermediate class

/web/dom Component of a Document Object Model (not w3c compatible) that defines that content may consist of several elements. ::getMarkupWith produces a string holding markup according to these elements.

/web/dom Component of a Document Object Model (not w3c compatible) for merging a value into markup where the markup is internally represented as a string if no template ::getMarkupWith returns the value itself


Helper class to collect marked items that where marked by the user in the ItemsTableForm of pages like ObjectIndexPage, ObjectPropertyPage and ObjectSearchpage /web/helpers

Instances of this class build a page button list for browsing through pages search results /web/helpers

See what is context scouting,

To keep track of the movements through the pages of the applications, the SessionBasedScout stores footpints in the session. However, its interface has been designed to allow the replacement by for example a database based scout that supports longer and persistent footprint history.

Footprints exist of an uri for each footprint id, and another map of context ids (upward references) for each footprint id. Because from one page several pages be opened in a new window or tab, the scout stores any move so that it can become a context later on. /web/helpers

Meant to repesent links in intermediate hypercode and pnt site page tekst [~refType:refKey|content] . /web/helpers


page used by ErrorHandler to show error message to end user.

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ErrorPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Selection ReportPage with HorizontalTablePart. mouseover highlighting has to be improved /web/pages

Page that serves as the main page of an application. By default includes skinIndexPage.php fromt the application folder. Supports linking to search- and indexpages for domain classes

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass IndexPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Page showing property labels and editing property values of a single object By default shows properties specified by getUiFieldPaths method on the class of the shown object. Layout can be specialized,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectDetailsPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Page showing property labels and editing property values of a single object By default shows properties specified by getUiFieldPaths method on the class of the shown object. Layout can be specialized,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectEditDetailsPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Page showing a TablePart with all instances of a class. Paging buttons are created by a PntPagerButtonsListBuilder, whose classfolder is pnt/web/helpers. Columns of the TablePart can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectIndexPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Kind of PropertyPage specialized for n to m relationships. Contains an MtoNPropertyPart with a table from which the user can remove items by clicking their remove icons. and a SearchFrame with an MtoNSearchPage from which the user can search and add items by clicking in them. The table is adapted client-side to show the resulting related items. When the save button is pressed the id's of the added and removed items are sent to the server and processed to add and remove the relationship objects according to the selections of the user.

See Also
example13 to see how to use this class. /web/pages

Specialization of SearchPage that is used by PntMtoNPropertyPart for searching and selection of values to add relations to.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectMtoNSearchPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Page showing a TablePart with the values of a multi value property. The property is specified by the pntProperty request parameter. Columns of the TablePart can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectPropertyPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Kind of DetailsPage showing property labels and values of a single object, but also a TablePart with values for each multi value property. Navigation leads to other ReportPages. What details are shown can be overridden by overriding getFormTextPaths method. What multi value properties are shown can be overriden by overriding the getMultiPropNames method. Columns shown in each TablePart can be overridden by creating a getReportColumnPaths method on the type of objects shown in the table. Layout can be overridden, see

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectReportPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Kind of IndexPage with FilterFormPart for searching for objects. Results are shown in a TablePart. Paging buttons are created by a PntPagerButtonsListBuilder, whose classfolder is pnt/web/helpers. Columns of the TablePart can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectSearchPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Page that outputs a detailed report (like PntObjectReportPage) for each item that was marked. Uses ObjectReportPage.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectEditDetailsPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Page showing a TablePart with manually selected objects. Navigation leads to ReportPages. Columns shown in the TablePart can be overridden by creating a getReportColumnPaths method on the type of objects shown in the table. totals are shown of columns with values of properties typed as number.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectEditDetailsPage in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/pages

Dialog vor verifying a recursive delete op one or more objects.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ObjectDialog in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/dialogs

Abstract superclass of Page classes.

See Also /web/pages

Part that outputs a button in html. Used by ButtonsPanel.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ButtonPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part that outputs html descirbing two rows of buttons.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass ButtonsPanel in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part showing property labels and property values of a single object By default shows properties specified by getUiFieldPaths method on the class of the shown object. Layout can be specialized,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass MenuPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part showing property labels and editing property values of a single object By default shows properties specified by getUiFieldPaths method on the class of the shown object. Layout can be specialized,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass MenuPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part used by SearchPage to output html describing search forms. The search options are modeled by pnt.db.query.PntSqlSpec objects.

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass FilterFormPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part that works like a normal TablePart, except for the colums and rows to be shown exchanged. In this table the properties are shown in the rows, while each item has a column. Yet still the 'columnPaths' are used to specify the properties. So in fact they are they rowPaths here. /web/parts

Part that outputs html describing a menu. By default includes skinMenuPart.php from the includes folder. Includes skinSubMenu.php when printSubMenu is called with the application folder name as the argument. But if ::initMenuData and initSubmenuData are overridden, menu's are printed from the initialized arrays and the menu with the current pntType will be highligted. If no pntType the applications main menu item will be highlighted

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass MainMenuPart in the root classFolder and subclasses MenuPart in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part used by PntObjectMtoNSearchPage. Specialization of PntFilterFormPart that produces a smaller layout to fit into the smaller space available to PntObjectMtoNSearchPage

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass MtoNFilterFormPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part used by ObjectMtoNPropertyPage. Contains a table from which the user can remove items by clicking their remove icons. and a SearchFrame with an MtoNSearchPage from which the user can search and add items by clicking in them. The table is adapted client-side to show the resulting related items. When the save button is pressed the id's of the added and removed items are sent to the server and processed to add and remove the relationship objects according to the selections of the user. This part can also be used inside a TabsPart inside an EditDetalsPage to create a single large form that holds both the detailsPart as the MtoNSearchPart(s). The user can then edit each tab and after he is finished send the entire form to the server at once so that all details and n to m relationships are processed at once.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass MtoNPropertyPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Does not print properties for which viewing is not authorized /web/parts

Abstract superclass of PageParts. Generates html for a part of a page.

See Also /web/parts


Part that outputs the MainPart of PntObjectSortDialog

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass SortDialogPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

Part that outputs html descirbing a table with rows for object and columns for their properties. As a default columns can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter,

See Also

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass TablePart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

PagePart that generates a tab bar and corrsponding content divs that are shown/hidden by clicking on a tab div in the tab bar. content is generated by printPart on the whole or on specified parts.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass TabsPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/parts

FormWidget that generates html specifying a checkbox.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass CheckboxWidget in the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

FormWidget that generates html specifying textfield and a button. Both will react to a click by open a Dialog. When the dialog is closed it calls a funcion specified by this Widget to set the new value and label in this Widget.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass DialogWidget in the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

Abstract FormWidget superclass that generates html specifying an input type=Text.

There is no concrete subclass for this class, if you need one, please add it to the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

FormWidget that generates html specifying a TextArea. Not Yet Implemented

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass HtmlWidget in the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

FormWidget that generates html specifying a SELECT tag, by default as a dropdown list with values that are options for the property.

See Also

Limitation: PntSelectWidget assumes the id in the form, the idProperty and the id of the selected object in the property options to be equal. If the derived property's getter and setter behave differently, The SelectWidget may not be able to find the selected object in the list.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass SelectWidget in the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

FormWidget that generates html specifying a TextArea.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass TextAreaWidget in the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

FormWidget that generates html specifying an input type=Text.

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass TextWidget in the widgets classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /widgets

This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete subclass MenuPart in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder. To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code override methods in the concrete subclass rather then modify them here.

See Also /web/widgets