| __construct ($whole, $requestData, $itemType=null, $propPaths=null) |
| getName () |
| addHeaderSortParams ($index, $params) |
| setItems ($items) |
| setSelectedId ($value) |
| setItemSelectWidgets ($value) |
| setNoTableIfNoItems ($value) |
| setShowPropHeaders ($value) |
| setTableWidth ($value) |
| setBgColor ($value) |
| setItemBgColor ($value) |
| setItemHlColor ($value) |
| setHandler_printTableHeaders ($handler) |
| setHandler_printRows ($handler) |
| setHandler_printItemSelectCell ($handler) |
| setHandler_printItemCells ($handler) |
| setHandler_printItemCellContent ($handler) |
| setHandler_getCellOnClickParam ($handler) |
| setHandler_printTableFooter ($handler) |
| setHandler_printItemBgColor ($handler) |
| initialize ($itemType, $propPaths) |
| addPropPaths ($arrayOrString) |
| addPropPath ($path, $label) |
| getItemType () |
| getItems () |
| printAnchorFor ($item) |
| printCheckboxCheckedFor ($item) |
| printTableId () |
| getTableId () |
| getAppName () |
| printBody () |
| printExtraTableAtts () |
| printThead () |
| printNoItemMessage () |
| printItemSelectHeader () |
| printTableHeaders ($table) |
| printRows ($table) |
| printRow ($table, $item, $key) |
| printItemBgColor ($table, $item, $key=null) |
| printItemSelectCell ($item, $key=null) |
| printItemCells ($table, $item, $rowKey=null) |
| printItemCellContent ($table, $item, $cell) |
| getCellOnClickParam ($table, $item) |
| printTableFooter ($table) |
| setShowTableHeaders ($value) |
| setRowBgColor ($value) |
| setRowHlColor ($value) |
| addColumnPaths ($arrayOrString) |
| addColumnPath ($path, $label) |
| setHandler_printItemRows ($handler) |
| printItemRows ($table) |
| setHandler_printRowBgColor ($handler) |
static | getInfoStyleOk () |
static | getInfoStyleError () |
static | getInfoStyleWarning () |
| $noItemsMessage = 'No Items' |
| $noTableIfNoItems = true |
| $itemSelectWidgets = true |
| $tableWidth ='' |
| $selectedId =-1 |
| $showPropHeaders = true |
| $itemBgColor ='white' |
| $itemHlColor ='#ffffa0' |
| $bgColor |
| $extraTableAtts = "onkeypress=\"window.location.href='#'+String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toLowerCase();\"" |
| $showTableHeaders |
| $rowBgColor |
| $rowHlColor |
| $handler_printItemRows |
| $pntTableEqField |
Part that outputs html descirbing a table with rows for object and columns for their properties. As a default columns can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter,
- See Also
- http://www.phppeanuts.org/site/index_php/Pagina/61
This concrete subclass is here to keep de application developers code separated from the framework code.
- See Also
- http://www.phppeanuts.org/site/index_php/Menu/178 Framework code is in the superclass. This class may be copied to an application folder to make application specific overrides.