| getName () |
| getNadvancedFilters () |
| getNSorts () |
| getFilterId ($num=1) |
| getFilterCmp ($num=1) |
| getFilterCombinators () |
| getFilterCombinator ($num) |
| getFilterValue1 ($num=1) |
| getFilterValue2 ($num=1) |
| getFilter1Id () |
| getFilter1Cmp () |
| getFilter1Value1 () |
| getFilter1Value2 () |
| getAllItemsSize () |
| getPageItemOffset () |
| getSortIsSpecific () |
| getSortId ($num=1) |
| getSortDirection ($num=1) |
| printSearchButtonLabel () |
| getCombinatorOptions () |
| printCancelButtonLabel () |
| printDivDisplayStyle ($divId) |
| printExtraFormParameters () |
| getExtraFormParameterKeys () |
| printFilterSelectWidget ($num=1) |
| printComparatorSelectWidget ($num=1) |
| getComparators () |
| printCombinatorSelectWidget ($num) |
| getRequestedObject () |
| printAdvancedFilterDescriptions () |
| printAdvancedFilterDescription ($filter) |
| printAdvancedFilterDivs () |
| printAdvancedFilterDiv ($num) |
| showAdvancedFilterDiv ($num) |
| printSortParams () |
| getFormName () |
| getFilter () |
| getCombinedAdvancedFilters () |
| advancedFilterCombine ($currentFilter, $nextFilter, $combinator, $id) |
| advancedFilterOr ($currentFilter, $nextFilter, $id) |
| getInitializedAdvancedFilters () |
| getFilters () |
| getNewCombiFilter ($id) |
| getAllStringfieldsFilter () |
| getErrorInfo () |
| findFilter ($filter, $path) |
| initFilter ($filter, $addWildcards=false, $num=1) |
| convertFilterValue ($conv, $filter, $value) |
| getFilterValue1ForInit ($filter, $num=1) |
| addWildcards ($filterValue) |
| getSort ($filter) |
| getSortSpecified () |
| getSortDefault ($filter) |
| getCombinedFilter () |
| getFilterResult ($rowCount=20) |
| runQhStoreAllItemsSize_getItemsLimitedTo ($qh, $rowCount) |
| getImplicitCombiFilter () |
| getImplicitCombiFilterDefault () |
| setImplicitCombiFilter ($combiFilter) |
| printSortDialogScripts () |
| getOwnFormParameterKeys () |
| _runQhStoreAllItemsSize_getItemsLimitedTo ($qh, $rowCount) |
static | getInfoStyleOk () |
static | getInfoStyleError () |
static | getInfoStyleWarning () |
| $implicitCombiFilter |
| $allItemsSize |
| $filters |
| $widgetDir = 'widgets' |
| $nAdvancedFilters = 5 |
| $minSorts = 3 |
| $extraSortParams = array() |
| $conversionErrors = array() |
part used by SearchPage to output html describing search forms. The search options are modeled by pnt.db.query.PntSqlSpec objects.
- See Also
- http://www.phppeanuts.org/site/index_php/Pagina/41
This concrete subclass is here to keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code.
- See Also
- http://www.phppeanuts.org/site/index_php/Menu/178 Framework code is in the superclass. This class may be copied to an application folder to make application specific overrides.