Inherits PntDescriptor.
Inherited by PntDerivedPropertyDescriptor, and PntFieldPropertyDescriptor.
| __construct ($name, $type, $readOnly, $minValue, $maxValue, $minLength, $maxLength, $classDir) |
| getName () |
| setName ($aString) |
| isLegalType ($aString) |
| getType () |
| setType ($aString) |
| getReadOnly () |
| setReadOnly ($aValue) |
| getMinValue () |
| setMinValue ($aValue) |
| getMaxValue () |
| setMaxValue ($aValue) |
| getMinLength () |
| setMinLength ($aValue) |
| getMaxLength () |
| setMaxLength ($aValue) |
| getPersistent () |
| getDbSortPaths () |
| setDbSortPaths ($paths) |
| getClassDir () |
| setClassDir ($value) |
| getOwner () |
| setOwner ($anPntClassDescriptor) |
| getValueValidator () |
| getVisible () |
| setVisible ($value) |
| getHoldsId () |
| getCompulsory () |
| isDerived () |
| isFieldProperty () |
| isTypePrimitive () |
| isMultiValue () |
| getIdPropertyDescriptor () |
| __toString () |
| getValueFor ($obj, $filter=true) |
| setValue_for ($value, $obj) |
| getOptionsFor ($obj, $filter=true) |
| hasOptionsGetter ($obj) |
| getOptionsFilter ($obj, $filter) |
| deriveValueFor ($obj) |
| propagateValue_for ($value, $obj) |
| isValueInOptionsOf ($obj, $filter=false) |
| isValue_in ($value, $someObjects) |
| _getValueFor ($obj) |
| _setValue_for ($value, $obj) |
| _getOptionsFor ($obj) |
| _deriveValueFor ($obj) |
| _propagateValue_for ($value, $obj) |
| _getValueValidator () |
| getName () |
| setName ($aString) |
| getLabel () |
| setLabel ($aString) |
| __toString () |
| toString () |
__construct |
( |
$name, |
$type, |
$readOnly, |
$minValue, |
$maxValue, |
$minLength, |
$maxLength, |
$classDir |
) |
| |
- Parameters
string | $aString | must be alpanumeric |
_propagateValue_for |
( |
$value, |
$obj |
) |
| |
_setValue_for |
( |
$value, |
$obj |
) |
| |
Return the property value for the object Called if no getter method exists. Should be implemented by subClass.
- Parameters
$obj | PntObject The object whose property value to answer |
- Exceptions
Returns the directory of the class file of the type of the property As the type class can not be loaded without knowing its classDir, the classDir must be specified ont the property if it is not default. Default is the classDir of the owner.
- Returns
- String
- Returns
- boolean Wheather null values, empty Strings or objects with empty labels are forbidden
Get the paths that can be used to make the database sort by this property
- Returns
- Array of string Navigational paths, not null
- Returns
- boolean wheather this holds an id. Id's are generally not visible and numerical ids do not have thousends separators
getIdPropertyDescriptor |
( |
| ) |
getOptionsFilter |
( |
$obj, |
$filter |
) |
| |
getOptionsFor |
( |
$obj, |
$filter = true |
) |
| |
Return the property options for the object If an options method exists, answer the method result. otherwise delegate to the types ClassDescriptor If the type is a class name and the class has a method 'getInstances' assume it is a static method, call it and return the result.
- Exceptions
- Parameters
- Returns
- Array the options
Defines the persistency of the property.
- Returns
- mixed PNT_NOT (=false), PNT_READ_WRITE (=true), PNT_READ_ONLY
answer wheather the property value may be modified explicitely if false, calling a setter or changing a field value or other explicit property change action will be undefined
getValueFor |
( |
$obj, |
$filter = true |
) |
| |
Answer the property value for the object If a getter method exists, call it (passing the filter) and return the method result. else derive value through default metabehavior
- Parameters
PntSqlFilter | $filter | to apply, or null if unfiltered (currently only used by multi value properties) |
- Returns
- mixed dynmically typed by the PropertyDescriptor>>type
- Exceptions
PntError | if property missing, derivation fails, or anything an evetial getter method throws |
Returns the ValueValidator used for validating property values !Do not call this method directly, use getValueValidator($propertyName) on the object whose property values have to be validated, or better, let the object do the validation using validateGetErrorString($propertyName, $value)
- Returns
- ValueValidator
isValue_in |
( |
$value, |
$someObjects |
) |
| |
isValueInOptionsOf |
( |
$obj, |
$filter = false |
) |
| |
static primitiveTypes |
( |
| ) |
static |
propagateValue_for |
( |
$value, |
$obj |
) |
| |
Set the property value for the object Called if no setter method exists and the property is not readOnly. Should be implemented by subClass.
- Parameters
@value | varianr The value to set |
@obj | PntObject The object whose property value to set |
- Exceptions
Set the paths that can be used to make the database sort by this property
- Parameters
Array | of string $paths Navigational paths, not null |
- Parameters
string | $aString | must be alpanumeric |
setOwner |
( |
$anPntClassDescriptor | ) |
setValue_for |
( |
$value, |
$obj |
) |
| |
Set the property value for the object If a setter method exists, use the method and answer result. else set field value
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