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Abstract Action superclass. Actions are controllers. Contains a method to redirect to the context page.

PntObjectDeleteAction default concrete subclass
Action that deletes one domain model object from the database. Requires id and pntType request parameters. Used to process form from EditDetailsPage when Delete button is pressed. Calls delete method on the object.
Redirects to context or if none, to ObjectIndexPage. Forwards to the origin if errors occur with validation.

PntObjectDeleteMarkedAction default concrete subclass
Action that deletes multiple domain model objects from the database. Used by form from ObjectIndexPage, ObjectSearchPage and ObjectPropertyPage when Delete button is pressed. Calls delete method on each object.
Redirects to origin or if none, to ObjectIndexPage. Forwards to the origin if errors occur with validation.

PntObjectSaveAction default concreste subclass
Action that saves a domain model object to the database. Used to process the form from ObjectEditDetailsPage when the Insert or Update button is pressed. Calls save method on the object.
Redirects to context or if none, to ObjectIndexPage, unless pntBackToOrigin parameter is set, then it redirects to the origin (ususally the previous page, but it may be influenced by the pntHandlerOrigin parameter). Forwards to the origin if errors occur with convertion and validation.