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PntErrorPage default concrete subclass
Page used by ErrorHandler in a production environment to show error message to the end user. If you get an ErrorPage in your development environment the member variable developmentHost of your ErrorHandler did not match the hostname you used in the url. You can set the the developmentHost variable from the getErrorHandler method in your Site class.

SelectionReportPage with HorizontalTablePart.

PntIndexPage default concrete subclass
Page that serves as the main page of an application. By default includes skinIndexPage.php fromt the application folder.

Page showing property labels and values of a single domain model object. By default shows properties specified by getUiFieldPaths method on the class of the shown object.

PntObjectEditDetailsPage default concrete subclass 
Page showing property labels and editing property values of a single object By default shows properties specified by getUiFieldPaths method on the class of the shown object.

PntObjectIndexPage default concrete subclass
Page showing a TablePart with all instances of a class. Paging buttons are created by a PntPagerButtonsListBuilder, whose classfolder is pnt/web/helpers. Columns of the TablePart can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter, see How to override columns in an item table.

PntObjectMtoNPropertyPage default concrete subclass
Kind of PropertyPage specialized for n to m relationships. Contains an MtoNPropertyPart with a table from which the user can remove items by clicking their remove icons and a SearchFrame with an MtoNSearchPage from which the user can search and add items by clicking in them. The table is adapted client-side to show the resulting related items. When the save button is pressed the id's of the added and removed items are sent to the server and processed to add and remove the relationship objects according to the selections of the user.

PntObjectMtoNSearchPage default concrete subclass
Specialization of SearchPage that is used by PntMtoNPropertyPart for searching and selection of values to add relations to.

PntObjectPropertyPage default concrete subclass
Page showing a TablePart with the values of a multi value property. The property is specified by the pntProperty request parameter. Columns of the TablePart can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter, See How to override columns in an item table.

PntObjectReportPage default concrete subclass
Kind of DetailsPage showing property labels and values of a single object, but also a TablePart with values for each multi value property. Navigation leads to other ReportPages. Consists of a DetailsPart and a MultiPropsPart, see pnt.web.parts.
What details are shown can be overridden by overriding getFormTextPaths method. What multi value properties are shown can be overriden by overriding the getMultiPropNames method. Columns shown in each TablePart can be overridden by creating a getReportColumnPaths method on the type of objects shown in the table.

PntObjectSearchPage hypercode default concrete subclass
Kind of IndexPage with FilterFormPart for searching for objects. Results are shown in a TablePart. Paging buttons are created by a PntPagerButtonsListBuilder, whose classfolder is pnt/web/helpers. Columns of the TablePart can be specified in metadata on the class specified by pntType request parameter, see How to override columns in an item table.

PntObjectSelectionDetailsReportPage default concrete subclass
SelectionReportPage that instead of schowing an item table, shows a DetailsPart (see pnt.web.parts) for each item.

PntObjectSelectionReportPage default concrete subclass
Page that shows a report on a selection of items made in a TablePart, for example of an IndexPage or a PropertyPage by checking the checkboxes in front of the items.

Page that for verifying the cascaded delete of an object after the action has been requested. The action forwards to the VerifyDeletePage whose form the resubmits the form requesting the action.

Abstract superclass of Page classes. Provides several helper methods for pages and parts, including the printPart method.