Objects of this class describe a comparision like =, >, < and !=. Used by FilterFormPart in the advanced search part for navigational query specification. Used as components of PntSqlFilters, but does not extend PntSqlSpec.
Specifies the combination of mutliple PntSqlFilters by AND or OR. Used by FilterFormPart in the simple and advances search. See How to create and use filters.
PntSqlFilter PntSqlFilters specify (and produce) what comes after the WHERE clause to retrieve some objects from the database. Used by FilterFormPart in the advanced search.
Also used by other types of SqlFilter as components to produce more complicated WHERE expressions, JOIN and ORDER BY clauses. See How to create and use filters.
Specifies a over a , generates SQL. Used by FilterFormPart in the advanced search. Generates alements of the JOIN clause to access related tables. Uses PntSqlFilters as components to produce what comes after the WHERE clause. To do this, $this->next must be set to a PntSqlFilter that will provide the WHERE expression for searching the related table, or to another PntSqlJoinFilter for another join. See How to create and use filters.
Specifies the combination of mutliple PntSqlFilters by OR. Nowadays it inherits all its methods from PntSqlCombiFilter. Maintained for compatibility with older versions.
Specifies (and produces) what comes after the ORDER BY keywords. Defines additional JOINS if necessary. Used by FilterFormPart and PntDbClassDescriptor. Uses PntSqlFilters (may also be PntSqlJoinFilters) to specify orderings. Is outmost part of a composed SqlFIlter, WHERE clause is produced by the 'filter' component, which may be a PntSqlFilter, a PntSqlJoinFilter or a PntSqlCombiFitler. See How to create and use filters.
Abstract superclass for parts for navigational query specification.