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What is Ruby on Rails

the well designed framework on Ruby that became a big hype

Rails became famous from the elegance of its code (made possible by the programming language Ruby) and Scaffolding. Ruby on Rails First beta on ruby force is 0.5.0 and was released in july 2004.

Rails follows the MVC pattern. Applications consist of controllers, views, models and helpers. Url is mapped to a contoller and a method on the controller. Ruby's native scaffolding creates model class, show, edit and list view classes, a layout, a controller and a helper for each table. The user interfaces produced are very basic without CSS styling. This is because scaffolding was only seen as a technique for prototyping and a starting point for building applications. Nowadays plugins exist for Ruby on Rails that take scaffolding a lot farther into the direction of dynamically generating complete database-backed applications. These plugins are now becoming very popular (ActiveScaffold had over 36.000 downloads (dd july 2007) ). It looks like dynamic scaffolding is the new trend in the Rails community.

Apart from the similarities many frameworks share, like MVC and ORM, there are some less common similarities between Rails and phpPeanuts:

  • PhpPeanuts use of defaults is very much in line with Rails' "Convention over Configuration".
  • The principle "Once and only Once" phpPeanuts borrowed from eXtreme Programming comes close to how "Don't repeat yourself" is taken in Rails.
  • Both phpPeanuts and Rails mostly use code for configuration, little or no XML, Yml or such
  • Scaffolding.

Yet phpPeanuts is not a Ruby on Rails clone. It's first beta release outdates the first Rails release on ruby force by over 3 months. If its predecessors are taken into account it has a much longer history (even longer then struts). It has been designed right from the start for elaborate dynamic scaffolding in production and has accumulated 4 years of experience.


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