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What is a property

A property is the ability to retrieve a value from a peanut by calling its get method
The name of the property must be supplied as the argument for the get method. The value may be a primitive data type or a reference to an object. How the peanut produces the value ultimately is it's own business. It may have a getter method that returns the value, or rely on the default property behavior supplied by the propertyDescriptor of the propertyDescriptor. A getter method must be named "get" concatenated with the ucFirst of the property name and should work with no arguments. See how to override default property behavior.

If a property is readOnly, this is all there is to it. If it is not readOnly, the property value can be set by calling the set method on the peanut. The name of the property must be supplied together with the value. How the peanut processes the value ultimately is it's own business. It may have a setter method that processes the value, or rely on the default property behavior supplied by the propertyDescriptor of the property. A setter method must be named "set" concatenated with the ucFirst of the property name and should work with the value as the only argument. See how to override default proproperty behavior.

A property may have options. If so, they can be retrieved by calling the getOptions method on the peanut, with the name of the property as the argument. The options should be an array of valid values for the property. ObjectEditPages will try to retrieve property options for all properties that are not readonly and whose type is not a primitive datatype. See how to define options for a property.

The SaveAction that process the forms submitted from a EditDetailsPage will ask the peanut to validate property values entered by the user before they are set. This is done by calling the peanuts validateGetErrorString method. This method can be overriden by the peanuts class for special validation.