/** Navigate from $obj through $path. Convert the result to a (label)string.
	* @return string The (label)string, for $kind >= 0 as HTML.
	* @param PntObject $obj the object to start the navigation from 
	* @param string $path the path to navigate, as a series of property names separated by a dot
	* @param int $kind if < 0 the label is returend. Otherwise this decides wheather line feeds should be converted into <BR>
	* @param int $preformatAndTab the number of non breaking spaces to use for a tab.
		if > 0 existing multiple spaces will be converted into non-breaking spaces 
	function getConvert($obj, $path, $kind=0, $preformatAndTab=0) {
		if (!$obj) return '';
		$cls = $obj->getClass();
		$pathId = "$cls>>$path";
		if (!isSet($this->navs[$pathId])) {
			Gen::includeClass('PntNavigation', 'pnt/meta');
			try {
				$nav = PntNavigation::getInstance($path, $cls);
			} catch (PntError $err) {
				trigger_error($err->getLabel(), E_USER_WARNING);
				return '';
			try {
				$value = $nav->evaluate($obj);
			} catch (PntError $err) {
				trigger_error($err->getLabel(), E_USER_WARNING);
				return '';
		$prop = $nav->getLastProp();
		$conv = $this->getInitConverter($prop);
		$label = $conv->toLabel($value, $prop->getType());
		return $kind < 0
			? $label
			: $conv->toHtml($label, $kind, $preformatAndTab);