/** Adds fieldProperties for the columns from the database.
	* This method assumes column names to be equal to the names 
	* of their corresponding field properties. 
	* @param array $includeList names of properties to include
	*	If omitted, all columns will be used in the order they appear in the table, 
	* 	but if a fieldProperty is already defined it is left untouched.
	* @param String $tableName the name of the table whose columns to use.
	*      If omitted, the result of $thisfunction addDbFieldProps(->getClassDescriptor()->getTableName() is used
	* @return array propertyDescriptors that where added, by property name
	function addDbFieldProps($includeList=null, $tableName=null) {
		if (!$tableName) {
			$clsDes = $this->getClassDescriptor();
			$tableName = $clsDes->getTableName();
		$qh = $this->newQueryHandler();
		return $qh->addFieldPropsTo_table($this, $tableName, $includeList);