Country |
Employee |
EmployeeIndexPage |
EmployeePropertyHoursPage |
EmployeePropertyHoursPart |
EmployeeSaveAction |
Gender |
GlobalFilterFormPart |
Hours |
HoursCategory |
HoursCategoryEditDetailsPage |
HoursSearchPage |
IndexPage |
MenuPart |
PntSqlFilterGlobalAction |
PntSqlFilterGlobalDialog |
getClassDir |
getEditInfo |
getGlobalDateFilter |
getHours |
getHoursSince |
getLabel |
getLabelSort |
getNHours |
getName |
getTableName |
getUiColumnPaths |
getUiFieldPaths |
getUiReportPaths |
initPropertyDescriptors |
/** Hours of this Employee with date >= $date
* uses SqlSpecs to support eventual joins for sorting
* @param date to select the hours by
* @return arrayn of hours
* @throws PntError
function ($date='0000-00-00') {
Gen::includeClass('PntSqlFilter', 'pnt/db/query');
Gen::includeClass('Hours', $this->()); // query model needs its metadata
//create filter for employeeId = $this->('id')
$employeeIdFilter = PntSqlFilter::getInstance('Hours', 'employeeId', '=', $this->('id'));
//ceate a combifilter for ANDing a filter for date >= $date
$combiFilter = $employeeIdFilter->('date', '>=', $date);
//retieve peanuts using the query model
$clsDes = PntClassDescriptor::getInstance('Hours');
return $clsDes->($combiFilter); //if the spec is not a PntSqlSort, the default sort will be used
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it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
Click here for a copy of the license or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .