PntHttpRequest |
PntRequestHandler |
PntSite |
PntStringConverter |
__construct |
_exists |
accessDenied |
buildUrl |
checkAccess |
checkAccessHandler |
createObjects |
forwardRequest |
forwardToHandler |
forwardToLoginPage |
getAppName |
getBaseUrl |
getContextHref |
getConverter |
getDebugMode |
getDir |
getDomainDir |
getErrorHandler |
getGlobalFilterFor |
getGlobalFilters |
getGlobalOptionsFilter |
getImagesDir |
getIncludesDir |
getInvalidActionTicketMessage |
getMaxTicketDiff |
getScout |
getSecurityManager |
getTryUseClassTryParams |
getUiDir |
guessContextTypeFolder |
handleRequest |
importLibraries |
initConverter |
initDatabaseConnection |
initHttpRequest |
initScout |
isFunkyUrls |
isWindows |
loadSettings |
sanitize |
setDir |
setDomainDir |
setErrorHandler |
setFunkyAlias |
setGlobalFilters |
startSession |
to be called
* @param $prop PntPropertyDescriptor $prop Teh property being accessed |
tryUseGenericHandlerClass |
/* Copyright (c) MetaClass, 2003-2017
Distributed and licensed under under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
See the License, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt */
Gen::includeClass('', 'pnt/web/pages');
/** Objects of this class are the single entrypoint for handling http requests.
* Site connects to the database as specified in scriptMakeSettings.php and
* sets the ErrorHandler, the debugMode, specifies application folder and domain folder,
* supplies StringConverters, baseUrl and takes care of sessions.
* This abstract superclass provides behavior for the concrete
* subclass StringConverter in the root classFolder or in the application classFolder.
* To keep de application developers code (including localization overrides)
* separated from the framework code override methods in the
* concrete subclass rather then modify them here.
* @see http://www.phppeanuts.org/site/index_php/Menu/178
* @package pnt/web
class PntSite extends {
// subclassed from Pnt Page instead of PntRequestHandler becuase of depricated support
/** string @see ::getBaseUrl - may be set directly in the field from scriptMakeSettings.php */
public $baseUrl;
/** string @see ::getDebugMode - may be set directly in the field */
public $debugMode = ''; //options: '', 'short', 'verbose'
/** boolean @see isFunkyUrls - may be set directly in the field */
public $funkyUrls = false;
public $funkyAlias = 'index.php?';
public $absoluteUrls = false;
/** string default value for ::printHeaderXframeOptions */
public $xFrameOptions = 'DENY';
public $httpRequestThrowsExp = true;
/** var string $tokenSalt to be set in scriptMakeSettings */
//public $tokenSalt;
/** string @see ::setDir */
public $dir;
/** string @see ::setDomainDir */
public $domainDir; //may be set from the applications index.php
/** @see constructor and ::getRequestDuration */
public $requestStartTime;
/** @private @see ::getGlobalFilters */
public $filters;
/** @private @see ::getConverter */
public $converter;
/** @private @see ::startSession */
public $sessionStarted = false;
//depricated support
public $isSiteRunning=true;
public $name="site";
public $os="linux";
public $dbUser;
public $dbPwd;
public $dbAddress;
public $dbPort;
public $dbName;
Copyright (c) MetaClass, 2003-
This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
Click here for a copy of the license or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .