Release notes
Version 2.0.0a open source edition
This version does not include the examples. It is meant to run on PHP5 only.
If you retieved this page from a http server that supports PHP, Click
here to try it out.
This version does not include pntUnit. For security reasons the framework is no longer shipped together
with development tools like pnt/unit. Please visit the Forum
if you want pntUnit to be made available as a seperate download.
What's new
Since 2.0.0
- SaveAction could not find the edited object if id > 999.
- fixed PntGen::includeClass bug: missing slash after classes folder name
- Gen removed all methods (::includeClass and tryIncludeClass because they are is not safe with register_globals ON)
Since 1.5.0
- Fully adapted to PHP 5:
- Fully compatible with ESTRICT standards
- Variable references are no longer used to pass objects. Therefore no risk of Reference Anomalies
- Usage and handling of Exceptions
- __toString implemented for most object types
- usage of __construct simplfies subclassing
- More flexibility:
- Seperate Parts for EditDetailsPage, ReportPage and PropertyPage allowing more flexibility in
component reuse from different layouts
- Paths can now be used in EditDetailsPage for editing values of referred objects
- WidgetFactory simplifies the usage of Widgets outside EditDetailsPart
- General functions now in Uitilty class so that they can be overridden
- Initial values can now be passed through the request to EditDetailsPart and used in objects edited
- Menu items of the current type are now highlighted to support the end user's sense of location in complex applications
- recusive object copying function in EditDetailsPage (and PntDbObject)
- many small changes, see changes.txt (incomplete).
Remarks for upgrading existing applications
For upgrading from 2.0.0 replace classes/pnt/classPntGen.php and update your classes/classGen.php and includes/skinDetailsFormStartPart.php
For existing phpPeanuts 1.5 applications both the adaptation to PHP 5 and the increased flexibilty required many changes that will break the code. To upgrade such an application you need to do a series of
search and replace adaptations throughout the entire code of the application as well as refactoring of
page specilizations of several types of pages. For detailed instructions see the release notes of the upgrade release
you can download from the phpPeanuts website.
Known bugs and limitations
- Does not run op PHP 4 (use phpPeanuts 1.5 for PHP 4)
- Though the framework has DAO classes that are successfully used as the database abstraction layer with MySQL
and SqLite, the use with other databases may require some additional refactoring. Please inform us about eventual
problems and solutions with the use of other databases. (Known: Oracle versions below 9 do not support standard
explicit JOIN syntax, but producing JOIN instuctions is not delegated to DAO objects and can not be easily refactored
to do so.)
- The AGPL license requires you to make the source of applications using this version
of phpPeanuts available to any users outside your own organization, and allow them forward
it to the rest of the world. An extended commercial edition is available on request under
developers licenses that do not include obligations to publish derived works etc.
For more info see the Support menu of the phpPeanuts website.